Learn how to create a happy little ornament
in this fun fast-paced course!

Want a fun project with the kids? Or just need a fun way to relax and unwind? 

The Happy Little Ornament course is perfect.

 You can go through the entire course in an hour and start creating your ornament! 

“This course was super fun and easy to follow. ”
Hannah Sommer

This self-led course is for you if:

  • You're not afraid to get your hands covered in paint
  • You want to get started today!
  • You're ready to have fun and get creative!

This self-led course is NOT for you if:

  • You want to create the most magnificent masterpiece that ever existed. 
  • You hate paint.
  • You don't like to clean up messes.

Hi, I'm Mel, artist and color lover (and your course instructor)

When I lost my dog Dewey in 2017, art was my only escape from the grief, pain, and depression that took over my life. The art I used to find solace in left me frustrated and sad. That was when I found fluid art and acrylic pouring.

This art technique allowed me the freedom my mind was craving but didn’t realize. The color mixing and movement were cathartic and helped heal my heart and mind.

1000’s of pours later, and you might call me a pour expert. I've done it all, I've made all the mistakes, and I've got the paint-colored hands to prove it :)

I started making these ornaments in 2018; they've sold out yearly. I decided to put together a short course that shows you how to create them and dip your pinky into the world of acrylic pouring (warning: it might be addictive).

I’ve been creating art for 30 years. First, I used traditional art (oil, acrylic, and watercolor), and then I used digital art (branding, logos, and websites). You can learn more about me on my website unfinery.com

Here's what you get!

Lesson One: The Great Tape
This lesson details how I tape each wood ornament so that they have a clean final appearance.

Lesson Two: The Supplies
I dive into the specific pouring supplies I use for each ornament

Lesson Three: The Mixing
How I mix my paint. You can also use this method for larger pour paintings to get similar effects.

Lesson Four: The Pour
I'll walk you through three pours so you can see exactly how I pour on the ornament and also how I fixed one that I didn't like.

Lesson Five: The Peel
In this lesson, I show you the ornaments once they have dried and they are ready for the tape to be removed.

Lesson Six: The Trees
I'll show you two ways to paint trees on your ornament to give that winter wonderland effect.

Bonus Lesson: The Finish
If you want to take your ornament to the next level, I'll show you how I varnish the ornament and drill a hole with a dremel to attach a ribbon.

Get the course right now and start creating!

Happy Little Ornaments, $19 - On Sale for $7

  • 6 lessons including taping your ornaments, overview of pouring supplies, how to mix your paint, pouring on your ornament, removing the tape, and then adding trees.
  • Bonus Lesson: how to finish your ornament with varnish and dremel for the ribbon
  • Each lesson is quick and easy to follow so you can start creating your ornament right away

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